
Music theory books are an important part of the musician's arsenal, because they explain and expand all the fundamental elements which music is constructed on. To become a proficient musician and composer, it's important to have a thorough understanding of musical terminology. Performers will benefit from the deeper level of understanding of the works they are performing, and composers can use theory to give their musical ideas a strong and effective framework.

Below is a list of the typical topics that will be covered in a standard music theory text:

   Definitions (pitch, interval, scale, inversion, key, time     signature, rhythm, consonance, dissonance,     enharmonic, diatonic, chromatic, appoggiatura).
   Chord Types
   Voice Leading
   Harmonic Functions
   Chromatic Harmony
   Suspensions, retardations and Anticipations.
   Non-chord Tones
   Secondary Domonants
   Augmented Sixth Chords
   Neapolitan Sixth Chord
   Figured Bass

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